By Every Breath

Jakarta, May 20 2011

Between my exercises this evening at Gold Gym, I sat back and reached for my Nokia N86. Facebook Mobile, click. Scroll down, scroll. See more stories, click.

...! I held my breath. I read, "Rest in peace, my dear friend." from someone on my friend's wall. What?? I clicked her profile. Her wall was full with condolences from her friends.

Through a friend of ours, I was told that she lost consciousness while she was snorkeling at Komodo Island. Two doctors who happened to be on site failed to give her a CPR. The boat supposed to get my friend failed to come in time. She was only 39.

A few days ago I had just received news about my teacher in junior high school who went to be with the Lord. She had been sick for quite awhile.

On my exercise bench I sat, thinking. I exercise in order to be healthy. To be precise, for me it's to stay fit for as long as possible so that I can travel and capture as many pictures as possible -- of this world's awesome nature. However... in the end, it's God who keeps every breath I take. No gymnasium can add to it even one.

Death. That can happen at an old age like my teacher. But that also can happen at a young age like my friend. That can happen in a hospital, but also in a trip. I stared at the gym equipments standing so firm in front of me. You are meaningless, I whispered.

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