What Does It Mean to Stay at Home?

You might think that it does not matter for you to die fifty years later in a peaceful sleep or tomorrow infected by corona. That’s up to you. It’s your life. Just better not die in selfishness. Other people have their own life, too. You might die fifty or seventy or a hundred years later, in a peaceful sleep, and yet had once lived as a carrier of Corona virus. The virus you carried while ignoring social distancing warning might have put someone’s life short beyond their own will. That life, is not yours.

During this pandemic that has taken the whole world by surprise, most of us have been asked to stay at home. From a linguistic point of view, “stay” is a verb. Therefore, when you stay at home, you are indeed DOING SOMETHING. You are SAVING LIVES.

If someone brainless ask you, “Staying at home, tell me, what do you do?” Tell her, loud and clear, “I save lives!”

If you are an employer and you permit your employee to stay home, you are by no means, giving them the opportunity to take the task of saving lives. This employee might mean nothing to you, but by making them socialize in your workplace, they might transmit the virus to someone that does, matter to you.
It doesn’t matter whether your employee is 20yo, or 60yo, or a father, or a mother, or single. Each of their life should matter equal. Don’t you think so? If the 20yo life suddenly comes to an end, would not the mother mourn? I am not going to ask what if your son.

Moreover, anyone, regardless of age, gender, or status, has equal capability of transmitting the virus. It does not require being a physician to understand this. But, it does require being a psycho to exercise pressure on those who opt to work from home.

To summarize, in this circle of pandemic, that life – whether it’s yours or anyone else’s – which you have no respect on, carries all possibility to socialize the virus to the life that does, matter to you. I bet you have several.

#StayAtHome #DiRumahAja #ObeySocialDistancing #JagaJarak #Covid19

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